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Industry people who need help in the following areas may contact me:

  • Design and analysis of part/product,

  • Improve efficiency of product line and reduce cost or optimize processes

  • Industrial automation (developing new system, improve or  repair old system)

  • Information Systems Development/System Analysis.

  • Training on CAD, CAM, Matlab and Ansys.

For detail information please mailto:


Note: All the consultancy works in this department are supervised by a committee. Committee assigns teacher to work in each work according to their expertise.


Some important consultancy works:

  1. Design modification of a 3000 liter jacked vessel by heat and stress analysis for a local pharmaceutical Company. 1998, Tk18,000/-

  2. Technical and Economic evaluation of machineries of National Laboratory Ltd. 2002, Tk1,00,000/-

  3. Technical and Economic evaluation of machineries of Lotus Kamal Spinning Mills Ltd. 2002, Tk2,50,000/-