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Ahmad, N. and Haque, A.F.M.A., “Artificial neural network based process selection for cylindrical surface machining”, International Conference on Manufacturing, August 09-11, 2002. (download)

Ahmad, N. and Haque. A.F.M.A., “Optimization of process planning parameters for rotational   components by Genetic Algorithm”, International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, December 26-28, 2001.(download)

Ahmad, N. and Haque, A.F.M.A., “Manufacturing feature recognition of rotational part using DXF file”, International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, December 26-28, 2001. (download)

Ahmad, N., et. al., “Current trend in computer aided process planning”, 2nd International Conference & 7th Annual Paper Meet of Mechanical Engineering Division of IEB, October 26-27 2001. (download)